Hey guys!

The nickname is kimme,kim,kimmy or kimi.fine with me..So im a girl who loves my life very much,i was never sad for no reason,unless im heartbroken or something..Yeah,and i LOVE DANCE so much.My life in AES rockz.Sarah and Winona is so funny...So this blog is mainly about US

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Could you belive it?!

Today,was kinda a disappointing day for me.During music lessons,dennis use that stinky thingy to spray my hair and trishten sprayed it on my knee.......URGH!!!!!!!!!And Miss Loye(so damn irratating)wanted the boys to nominate a girl to be the bride for the next lesson.N guess wad?everyone nominated MX...Wad is wrong with the boys are they blind or wad????Lim Cong nominated me....I was very happy but couldn't find a way to express it.In the end,MX won...

I was quite okay with that,until the girls had to nominate the boys to be groom..ABC nominated Patrick........Caius nominated Charles.Sarah was in love with charles so because of her i din vote for charles to be the groom.Then most of the class vote for Patrick,including Sarah n Pattie.They know very clearly that i love patrick,n they din care about my thoughts.So in the end,patrick n mx r the new couples for next week...After music lessons,i sort of cried..on sarah shoulders.they apologize to me....I cant believe they totally forgotten about me.....I was being EMO for the rest of the day.Thx to Sarah n Pattie who forgetten their Eurasian Friend..N I HATE ABC...


  1. SWEET JESUS!!! I did care abt you, darl. It's just I wuz under the influence of the drug, SARAH...

  2. Hi. I'm a friend of MX's and I don't think what you're doing to her is very nice. Grow up please, you're already like what 13, in SEC 1 already. Still so childish? Gosh, I'm MX's P6 classmate and I think she is one of the best people I have ever met in the world.

    Srsly. Grow up. WHO CARES IF YOUR CRUSH IS WITH MX. Doesn't mean they are a couple right.

    So grow up please. If you have anything to say, my blog is applesticks.blogspot.com. See ya.

  3. Fuck off Rachel. How the fuck cares about you, who don't exist in my mind. In fact, you fucking bitch, if MX is seriously you're friend, ask the rest of the class if they like that fucking bi-yotch. So, just fuck off where you and you're little bitchy harem don't exist. You can take your 'grow up' speech somewhere where the sun don't shine. Do you have a crush? Well, probably not, you're a biatch. Then no WONDER you don't know the fucking feeling when someone likes another person.

    Fuck off, bitch.

  4. P.S you're fucking blog is unreachable. Hey, wanna spam me? Be my guest. Here's MY blog: http://frankly.pitas.com/
    But seriously, BITCH. Don't enter. You're BITCHINESS will effect the well-fare of it. And Kimme, ask a certain 'patricia' (friend of mine) about that blog. It's fairly interesting. Anyway, fucking Rachel, shove the hell away from me.

  5. who is abc?saying bad things abt ppl is damn fucking wrong k?just stop thinking that everything belongs to you yourself!!!!!this WORLD IS NOT YOURS ONLY!!!IT BELONGS TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE!!!SO JUST SHUTUP BITCH!!!

  6. Hey. Bi-yotch. Lookit the situation here, 'kay?

    A person enters a blog, only to find out she hates it. So if she hates it, why bother even coming, let alone commenting?

    Now, here's a thought, brainless.

    Ever wonder WHY blogs are made?

    Simple. So we can post up: (insert name here) is SUCH a God. My life revolves around her. I worship her, I love her more than God. So true, right?


    People go through the trouble of putting up a blog so they can tell people about THEMSELVES. Okay. I make a blog. I call it 'about me'. And I type about all the OTHERS instead. Like their weight, height and measurments. SOOOOOOOOOOO reasonable, yeah??

    Jeez, were you born with a brain? I don't think so.

    Do you have a blog? I'd like to see which brainless fool will make a blog and post about other people instead of themselves.

    Ciao, Patricia.
