Hey guys!

The nickname is kimme,kim,kimmy or kimi.fine with me..So im a girl who loves my life very much,i was never sad for no reason,unless im heartbroken or something..Yeah,and i LOVE DANCE so much.My life in AES rockz.Sarah and Winona is so funny...So this blog is mainly about US

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Am i being too nice?

Came to school and got scolded by Sarah.'U talking shit',she din explain anything and just said that.WTF!!!like i care even if she ignores me,come on ppl,grow up,i have much better things to do than care about the gang...So yeah,at least someone bothers to tell me the truth,Catherine told me Patrick has a gf,well i couldn't be bothered anymore,as long he is happy i'm done.Patricia is a really mean girl,oh i can give u list of things why i said that;
1)She almost got my parents into jail
2)She flirts and make many guys like her
3)Takes away ppl's opportunity of talking to their crush
4)I din fucking do anything to her and she just give me hell
5)Lying to ppl.
Soooo yeah,she sent me an sms,last month regarding her fight with Sarah,and theres so many bad things about Sarah,She's so lucky that i din tell Sarah anything about it,and if i told Sarah what was it about,she would be furious and trust me she would regret not listening to me from day 1.
And I din go and flirt with the guy she likes,din fucking do anything to her,and now she went to lie to Sarah that i said bad things abt her.WTF,i've always been on Sarah's sides,y would i do such a thing.
Then,i told her lying will bring her nowhere,and guess what she told me
"Lying brings me to SAFETY,RICHNESS""Where you are now is nowhere"
Let me explain what she meant:Lying brings her to SAFETY,cuz when she does something wrong,the only way u can get out of the situation is to lie.So whenever she does something bad to us,the only way she wants to make us forgive her is to lie.[For Sarah,i dun know how,but your just clueless on whats going on]
Lying brings her to RICHNESS,she took bout $20.00 from me without me noticing,she lied to me about buying her food and in the end she kept the change.

So this is y i'm never going to forgive her.and the word Patricia is out of my Dictionary


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