Hey guys!

The nickname is kimme,kim,kimmy or kimi.fine with me..So im a girl who loves my life very much,i was never sad for no reason,unless im heartbroken or something..Yeah,and i LOVE DANCE so much.My life in AES rockz.Sarah and Winona is so funny...So this blog is mainly about US

Friday, June 25, 2010


dear diary,

I've decided to give up on Charles,yes i did used to like him. and i'm letting it all out in this post
since Charles means so much to Sarah, i guess i'll have to step back... again...She liked him since last year,and i only liked him this year,and i cant take sarah lying to me anymore,so instead building a wall in beween us, i'll just give the chance to Sarah.

Dont get me wrong, i din want to give up, i just .... urghh i dunno how to say it. But ya,i guess its me, i always step down for other ppl's love life to happen, and i dunno when is it my turn?.WHEN??? TODAY?? TMR?? WHEN??? urghhh,how come when the chances come right in front of me, i never see it or grab that chance?? HOW dumb!!

i wish i could take us to the starting point of happiness,i wish i could take us back to the days we were sitting together and we laughed and had feelings for each other, you liked me at that time, but the worst part was i never realized and i treated you like a normal friend. Until we were seperated, i missed you and i confessed. but at that time you rejected me, guess you lost feelings.
But i cant blame you,i only can blame myself for not treasuring your accompany and the times we had together.

If i can go back in time, i want you to forgive me and give me another chance, i'm sorry i left you like that, really sorry.
I'll kow you'll never read this, and i dun think anyone knows who i'm talking about teehee

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hey guys,guess my blog died +.+ Cuz of my second blog,actually its not mine but OURS.Its on the link there, Gorgeous Devils, can go check it out :) But if you hate us,then don't bother :P


whats up??

Is it me or everyone around me is going all lovesick?FREAKY


URRGGHHH, i wanted to keep the blog alive but i don't know what to write =.="

I don't know if i should mention this on my blog and piss someone off or just keep it to myself, hmmm. But i'm dying to tell somebody like right now!!!So desperate to let it out,urggghhh!!

Guess i'll just talk to my dog then...???he'll understand...???

nevermind...BYE Q . Q

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sit back,relax and watch

Yeah,you know.You can sit back,realx and watch me kill myself after all the trouble you caused


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

heyyy...i'm back!!!

Anyways tmr is NAPFA already so fast???geeezzz....DONKEY BALLLSSSS,sorry,i just felt like saying that word...HAHAHA.nvm...MYE are closing upppp,and i'm scared...i haven't really started preparing,cuz i have so many things on my mind right now.AAARRRGGGHH!!!wait its YAY!!!i'm so over him!!!yayyayayyay,seriously,chasing after a guy without knowing what is your purpose,is such a waste of time man....

Speech day was awesome,well for me it is,i actually thought that i did well for the dance,but mr.M said i ruined the whole thing,oh wells who cares??!!wait,of course i care.but dance is just something i'm good in,not something i love.I love being an emceee,it rocks!!!When i grow up,i'm gonna start my own talk show called the 'something-something show'..i haven't decided the correct name yet,but i have plenty of time to think.

Anyways gotta go now
CHEERS y'all
Kimme xD

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I am never goin back to NGEE ANN CITY ever again.Stupid SHOWCASE!! performance sucks....only did the first half which was so short!!!!UGGRRRHHH so angry at the stupid music dj!!!

I'm not blaming anyone except for the stupid music dj,i said STUPID music dj!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why didn't think of that???

I'm like stupidest person on Earth!!!!!He's always does things to me for her sake,why????I actually thought he might be asking me that question so i wont feel lonely,but after so many weeks,i realised that he was doing it all for her sake!!!!You stupid guy!!!!The girl you like is my close friend that i turst 301%.Why do you and her have to keep it from me!!!Just tell me everything,and i would be happy,why keep it as a secret for so long until i found out,you know i'll get even mad right?

It like all my friends fairytale seem to work out,except for mine!!!!


Friday, March 5, 2010

Its the hardest thing to do to see that shit go....

I love you but i know that you'll never love me the same way....what can i do??Thats life.Sometimes i wish you never existed,so 'they' could leave you alone,and i could get on with my life not knowing who you are.When I truly loved you,its the hardest thing to see you go...

I fell for you but i know you'll never feel for me....is there any better way to change that besides thinking of you every single minute.If only you went back to where you came from,then 'they' could leave you alone, and i could get you out of my mind.When I fell for you ,its the hardest thing to see you being taken away...

I left you as i was forced to but i know we'll never meet again....will we??If we weren't together,things would be better than before.If we were just friends,i dunno what would happen but seriously im never gonna fall for your stupid love song ever again,so FCUK out of my life.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


happy bday sarah and pradeep!!!Hope u guys like the present i gave.

Man,todays dance was awesome, we're doing some funky dance, which the costumes were so fabulous,especially the hats. So excited, but then i'm not happy that someone took my 'creation' and took credit for it. WTH. SO ANGRY FOR THAT!!!!!!well, at least i'm performing. well i guess life is just unfair :(

Anyway,thx for calling today, lim cong. I think they really appreciate it.

We went around tieing guys' hair in the class,haha the teacher got so fed up with us.

Walao,nothing to say today,but then watever

Ok bye
Kimme :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dance Nite:)

Omg,i dunno how to start this post,ok,let start it this way

A journey we embark together as a family will always continue but dance nite is just a start.Yesterday,we've done remarkably well and we've insipired the audience.

I was so proud of everyone of the Sec 2 dancers.we've worked so hard,and yeah it paid off.those who are thinking to quit dance,please dont.the laughter and tears we shared together,and the bruces we've had on our body,is it worth it to quit??whats the point of quitting when we're already starting to love what we're doing.

Anyway,yesterday was a success,like duhh who doesnt know that,i'm so proud of our trio(both),duet,especially the groupwork i can tell that its syncronize n i tried my best for fly with me and the whole crowd was like wow.anyway im still so happy.

Thx to Mr Tan who gave me a chance in fly with me,and a chance for all sec 2s to perform,n thx to all teachers that helped us:)

Sunday, January 3, 2010


ok,so i havent really got the time to post pictures of dance chalet and im too lazy to post anyway,there's like over 100 pics so forget it.

yeah,i'm so excited for tmr,i mean i can finally see sarah ,nona n all of my friends again except lim cong but who cares.He is a very materialistic person so if decides to dump me(i mean as a friend)rolls his eye at me,ignore me fine suit himself.n fellow assumptionites say ur last farewell to limcong as he is off admiralty sec With SERENE a girl he's been hanging out with after he so called dumped me but whatever.but yeah i've warned bout the consequences going to admiralty sec but if he wishes to swim in dangerous water who am i to stop him?!And if he goes it saves me all the trouble,and im SO HAPPY AHHHHHHHH HE GONE!!!!!HA HA HA...

On the other hand,another guy from my tuition centre is coming to assumption!!!!his name is seung ha n his korean so he has a weird but cool accent.omg the gorgeus devil will be so excited to meet him once i introduce him to them.besides he's so much fun so yeah looks like i have a good year ahead yeahs!!!

So yeah,gotta go..


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dance Chalet!!!

AHHH,dance camp n chalet was so fun...I'm quite busy rite now,so i'll just make this short n sweet.
Dance camp was so tiring,n fun!!!we got our costume!!!the top is so uncool,but the pants are okay.
Anyway,dance chalet was better.We took lots of picture.Me,alphonsine n victoria were having so much fun...we talked n talked n play with make up n lots more.we did a lot of jumpshots,n weird pictures...its so cool.the whole experience was just awesome..

Aww,have to go now.but i'll be back to write more,post pictures :D

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dance Camp

Hehe...now is the dance camp's fourth day,n i'm like loving most of the time,except the training on rough floors,that sucks man!!!

Have been very busy lately,i'm so tired after doing Against time n Fly with me,i can go out of breath very easily so im like breathing very loudly during the silent moment of Against time says alphonsine :P sorry but cant help myself

Today,victoria n alphonsine were like teaching me Split swim-over,victoria makes it looks so easy n alphonsine is polishing hers.i'm so scared of doing it,its just CRAZY.i'm so scared i will fracture my leg,like what i did last time.it was the worse time ever in my life,but i trust vic n alphonsine,so there teaching me the best tricks to do it,n i'm so happy if i can do it one day.
Haha thanks guys.

This whole holiday training,has definitely create a better bonding between cassandra n alphonsine n rest of the dancer.i feel so much comfortable in dance,n that thought of quiting dance is now at the back of my mind.

I feel happy,n enjoying every minute with my friends,its just fun actually.

We're getting our costume tomorrow,i'm like super excited...Ahhhh,i'm excited

Sigh...i'm getting over excited,when our dance nite tickets aren't even sold,n theres 900 more to go.WHAT!!!how i wish cost wasn't the problem.

SO i'm feeling very happy rite now,so i'll just head on with my stuff

Signing off,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dance Training

Infinite Passion,
Dance Beyond.
Moving to the second week of dance training,i'm beginnin to love it,although i had pain,no doubt,i had gain too!I've finally memorized all the moves for fly with me,n thx to the seniors especially dianne to help me polish the moves.

Against time is getting harder to cope,the trio are improving,n we are trying our best to polish up our groupwork,cuz thats the only part of the whole dance thats messy.I hope on dance nite,alphonsine wont fall when we carry her up,cuz she seems abit scared.N many people wants to quit dance,wth!!can quit after dance nite??If cassandra quits,whos gonna carry me?Mai cant carry me alone,i cant possibly swing myself in the air.Since theres only 14 person performing against time(not confirmed),n cass isn't one of them,we're gonna need someone else with strenght to carry,but i think cass is the best,she use energy to swing n i can feel the wind too..

Anyway,yeah.i got lots of bruces that is a size of a diameter of a standard cookie jar.OMG

Signing off,

Friday, October 30, 2009

Is this how its ever gonna be?!

Dear Diary,

Today was the last day of school,shed tears and happiness.I took a long and interesting journey with my friends,when i start to look back,there was one thing i regreted the most....

Some things in my primary school days happened and it happened in AES too...
Diary,today i'm just gonna talk about one person.Patrick.

Patrick is the funniest guy i've ever met so far.I used to be his friend but that friendship didn't last long.As time progressed,my feeling for him as a friend got deeper,thanks to my friends that told him i liked him,i'd never thought it would have an ending like this.He ignored me ever since,and i didn't talk to him then cuz i was too shy.

Rumors said he was transeffering but i told myself to be strong and dont take it too seriously.I always thought that i wont cry,and there might be a light at the end of the tunnel that i might get a chance to get back with him.But that light faded all thanks to my friends who wanted to ruin my life...Time passed so fast,it was the last day of school.He gave the class a farewell speech,although it wasn't a good one,but i simply couldn't hold my tears back...I never thought it could be this hard seeing someone you like leaving you,and unfortunately forever...

To some people,he was like an asshole,but to me he was just a friend that took away my fears and made me realise many things i couldn't see.I dont think he knows that he helped me through bad times,but mentally, he did and now you know.

If you read this Patrick,I just wanna say goodbye and thank you although i didn't get the chance to tell you.

Signing off,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

hehe...i'm kimme again!

hey,so today was like a great day for me...i had dance,n it was so fun although most of us din put in much effort

Mr Danny Tan wore a pink top,which i have nothing to say bout it,he made us dance outside the dance studio,where the middle stairs are,n the floor is like damn rough,i had scratches all over my knee,n i was bleeding..i thought i only had those scratches,but when i took a bath just now,i could feel extra invisible scratches when the water came pouring down my body.

I was so happy cuz i got my flexibility back,after my serious injury few months ago.I thought it would all be over since i cant do splits,arch,n etc.but after the strong encouragements from my friends,i decided to stay strong n believe tt i can make it thru this bad time,n i did..now im super happy!!!!!im suddenly so flexible,n cuz of tt i realize sometimes dream do come thru

Anyway,i've gotta go now

Signing off,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

JIA YOU!!!!!!!!

Hey hey readers,i'm back.
Today was the AEIS,Administrative Exersice for Int. Students,yeah so long..anyway,thats wad i took last year and i'm studying in s'pore now he he...
So yeah,Serene and Xiao Fang took the test today,so me and limcong were like supporting them,we went there after school and yeah arrive there about 12pm noon

After going to coffee bean,limcong was drinking double hot choc. then i said something which was totally not funny,he spat his hot choc. out on xiao fang's jacket.poor xiao fang was forced to continue the english test with a jacket full of his enzymes eeewww

Then,me n limc was kinda bored at the expo,so we took mrt to changi airport,cuz he was so excited to go inside t3 be4 anyone of his family members..he took about 50 over pics just for t3,n i had to tour,since i have been in it so many times..then we still had lots of time left,we took skytrain to t2 n t1,which is so so so boring..t3 is still the best...

So we went back to expo,sat on serene's car back to her house,then they played wii,the cooking mama,which was like so funny,me n xiao fang was watching,i was so afraid to burn the entire kitchen n make the mama angry,so i just watch.Serene was playing first,she did the mashing as if she was dancing,although she was...Then limc was playing and he was freaking good at it,omg he could be a mama too.at the same time he was losing weight by working those fats .Yeah so thats how the day ended

P.S.thx xiao fang,serene,n hilary for the wonderful presents,very thoughtful n nice.THX!!!
Serene n xiao fang,well done,hope u can make it thru..:D

Monday, October 12, 2009


Yesterday was like the second best bdae i had
I got this huge teddy bear,called bruno...cuz my family was watching bruno the night be4 my bdae,so yeah..its about the size of jonathan but way shorter

ta-da meet bruno
then this morning when i came to school,sarah brought the part 1 of my bdae present,and its a minnie mouse hairband,which is kinda childish

So i got my sis,gwen to wear it,n she looked so cute
wait theres more...

n yeah no time to rotate so sorry if ur head drops


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy bdae to me

Yay,i can't believe it.I'm finally a teenager,but it also means my parents will treat me differently..OH MAN,i will be doing more chores,its so not cool,sometimes i wish i dun have to grow up,stay as a six year old is the best..i get many privileges..

Haiz,y dont i have the power to stop time!!!
